
Gina Joy Carano has been an MMA fighter for more than 10 years. She is an actress also a fitness model as well as an ex mixed fighter. Her first job was as a Muay Thai competitor and was awarded the title of"The Face" for women's MMA. She is an experienced Muay Thai competitor who has a track record of 12 victories, 1 loss, and one draw. She is also the first American woman to take home an award in Thailand with Muay Thai. When she was growing up she was a ballet jazz tap and gymnastics. She also excelled at volleyball, basketball and softball. Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling and other martial arts are also an element of her education. Her MMA experience includes seven wins and one loss. A big MMA famous, she became popular due to her powerful of the ring, as well as the beauty. Haywire's and Fast & Furious 6' are Hollywood blockbuster hits. Her work was often criticized because of her sexual attraction. These harsh words were not a hindrance to her determination of winning and her fans continue to lavish her with affection. She inspires many because of her unquestionable talent and her strong personality.

Gina Gina Gina Gina Gina


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